Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Guest Bloggin' The Stain by Keith Ransom

Hi. I'm Keith Ransom. You may remember from such other blogs as Ransom Notes and How To Alienate Jews Without Really Trying

One thing I love the most about The Stain is Sam's "Artwork Of The Day". So I'm gonna throw up one of mine. This is something I did called "North American War". Hope you enjoy.
by KEITH RANSOM Sam and I were talking about the punk rock band Menace the other night. He didn't want me to put their greatest hits record up on my blog, because he didn't know anyone else who had that album, and he wanted to keep it that way. So....I'm gonna put it up here. Just to antagonize and also, for it to be in flow with some of the stuff Sammy likes. This is his forum. I'm just paying rent here.

So here's a remarkably kick ass band by the name of Menace who never got their due, and their Greatest Hits collection called Screwed Up.
get it here: https://download.yousendit.com/dVlvN3RjR3NxRTJGa1E9PQ
Heres a clip of G.G. Allin and The Jabbers performing "I'm So Bored". It's the earliest known clip of Allin; from 1981.

For this next item, I dug hard into the internet's darkest corners. I bring to the attention of Sam Munro this man; who is now his mortal enemy.

The asshole's name below is Tom Nuspickle from Philadelphia. Some jerk at a wedding in the gay old land of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Nice windmill move, asshole. What are you on your third Bud-Light Lime?

How dare he share a name with one so noble as Samuel Munro's legendary Nuspickle character? How dare he give off the vibe that he could be anywhere near as cool as our great hero Nuspickle? There are countless examples of douchebags named Nuspickle, but this fuck gets my vote as the king of those douchebags.
Ministry fucking rules. Enjoy Filth Pig. Fucking killer!!!!

A great picture of Janis Joplin done by legendary artist R. Crumb.
One of Sam Munro's favorite records. Entrance by Edgar Winter. Get down on some of this shit.
Why not do a scond Artwork of The Day. I'm pretty sure Sam's never seen this, even though he drew it. I swiped it from him and had it hanging up in the Mobil I worked at for 4 years. It's called "Poker Face Wardy". I think. Whatever. The name is not important. It looks just like Brendan Ward. Drawn while playing cards at Steve and Sam's old joint on Worsted.
Long live motherfucking Nuspickle!

You didnt think I was gonna not put tits up here did you?
For shame if you did. For shame.

I'd like to say goodbye to you all and thany Sam for allowing me to run the Stain for a post. I leave you now with one of the greatest videos ever, with one of the greatest endings of all time. Enjoy "Everyone's On Cocaine". Farewell Stainers.


  1. You humble admin. here. Lets give a long round of applause for Ransom, from the Notes!
    Great stuff, I got the chills watching that Ministry vid. Word to the wise, download both of these albums, great shit here!

  2. (First word of above comment "You" is meant to be "Your")

  3. Thank you Keith for the Menace album. You know I actually found Sams CD of that while moving 3 years ago and brought it to him and he wouldnt make me a copy of it. Fuck you Sam I got my MENACE!!!!!!
