Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Return of the Stain!

I've been away for quite some time and must admit that this defunct back ally shithole of a blog has been personally missed. I owe my tens of thousands of readers an explanation. As simply as my explanation can be put; I'm fucking lazy you bastards! Well, not lazy really, I work
like a rented jackhammer so I guess you could call me "internet lazy".
But I digress, this blog will be very much the same as you remember it with the exception of a few subtle changes. Ill be reviewing various craft beers on a five star system and sharing some of my own brewing methods. In essence we're looking at an internet backwash / beer blog. Dont recoil in disappointment, ill still put my brand of mustard spin on it all. I bet my left one you wont be disappointed. If however you are,...go pound salt in a Siberian prison!

OK enough fucking around! Put your dicks back in your pants. Business as usual, I'll share some fucked up internet videos that have caught my eye. If you can for five seconds stop fixating on this guys mullet and listen, you might enjoy his songbird like whistling. I for one couldnt stop fixating on his "NASCAR neck-warmer".

This next one is a doosey, you guys have got to watch this movie. The Story Of Riki Oh is one of the most hilarious and violent Japanese exploitation films I've ever seen. You can watch the whole film in nine parts on youtube if you want but I feel this best-of montage fills the bill.

It took me a long time to appreciate and respect Jackson Browne. I cant really pinpoint why. Maybe hearing Running on Empty 2,534,646 times on every classic rock station threw me off a bit, nonetheless hes a kickass songwriter and he wails on guitar. I was looking for These Days as performed by Velvet Undergrounds Nico (popularized by The Royal Tenenbaums soundtrack) on youtube and was amazed to not only find this video but learn Jackson Browne wrote the fucking thing when he was 16. Check this out, its beautiful.

Listen up pukes, I've got 12 gallons of liquid gold fermenting as we speak. 6 of special red ale and 6 of special highland ale. Ill give you guys a video tasting when this stuff is ready. Its probably gunna be some of my best all-grain to date due to the quality of ingredients used. OK motherfuckers its the artwork of the day and I'm outta here. In ten hours I'll be digging ditches in order to fill the silk-lined pockets of "the man" with hard earned coin while making my mortgage payment by a cunthair.

I've got no info on this one but i love it.