Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Reprehensible Pieces Of Shit!

There should be no argument about who I consider reprehensible pieces of shit. Take for example the "Free Credit Report Dot Com Band", who doesn't want to ring the pencil necks of these faux hipster jerks? But I digress. I am willing to bet you haven't seen the dickery I present to you on this day. Prepare to grind your teeth into a coarse powder...This shit is BAD!

Let us now relax to the smooth rendition of U2's "One" as sung by Doushe Fuckington: corporate banker and all around "good guy". (If you have the balls to sit through the whole thing, your brutal.)

Ann Coulter..........I want to smash her head open with a rubber mallet and prove theres an alien living inside. This...thing cannot be human!

Sylvia Brown was introduced via the Montel Williams Show, (another total asshole). She claims to have physic powers just like the rest of the scumfucks taking advantage of the dumb and poor. Anyway she fucks up bad here.

Parental discretion is advised on this next one. This video is titled "Human Trash" and depicts two white trash New Jersey couples in the late 70's. Not a pretty sight. These fucks should be vaporized ASAP!

I do not want to leave everyone on a bad note so here is something completely off topic. Its the intro to a German version of the Harry and the Henderson's sitcom. (thanks Matt) Enjoy....Good night, and good luck.


this one by me : "Illuminati"


  1. Are you fucking kidding me with this Bank Of America jerkoff? What an asshole. I feel so dirty.

    You have serious balls for posting the Harry And The Hendersons German Redux.

    Have you no shame, Samuel? Have you no shame at all?

  2. Is that Human Trash vid for real? I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

  3. Well Ive seen the other four videos once too many but Silvia Brown made me try to predict the most gruesome deaths imaginable for her. I see something hitting her in the face? oh yes definitely a cup of acid. wait now I see her being slowly steamrolled feet first while Jim Dubois performs "One Bank". You shouldv'e listed me as reprehensible for pushing Harry und die Hendersons.

  4. LOL @ comments! (Sam M)
