Saturday, June 20, 2009


Who doesn't love to blow shit up?... Besides every woman I have ever met. Some people don't know how to have fun. I do! I love large controlled explosions! The more amateur the better.

I shot this one. (Pulitzer prize shit) Me and a bunch of friends went camping in Nowhere Maine and I decide to put a full can of aerosol white lithium grease into the camp-fire. I tell them its a safety can and it wont explode. (LOL!) The fucking thing goes up like a stick of dynamite.

This is fucking classic Youtube firecracker antics. An oldie but a goodie.

These kids get it. Blow shit up! They have allot of fun doing it too. These guys are innovative to boot. The spray propellant into a 50 gal. drum and ignite it. COOL! (suck to be their neighbors.)

This ones my favorite! A bunch of 15 year old's go out in a canoe to shoot a flaming 5 gal. tank of propane over the water. What happens next is nothing short of incredible.

Don't think that men grow out of this shit people. The obsession just grows into a multi-headed hydra. Take these jerks for example: 1970 Local authorities in Florance, Oregon try to get rid of a beached whale with a ridiculous amount of TNT. Classic video forever.

One of mine: "V For Veccio"


  1. the first video deserves more creds than 'camping in nowhere maine'. give grand lake stream her props!

  2. Sounds like nowhere to me. The aerosol in the 50 gal drum was lame but HOLY SHIT we gotta shoot a flaming propane tank!!!!

  3. a bro of mine just picked up the pieces of a guy who checked a propane tank w/a lighter- sorry no vid..

  4. Just cant start my day without my morning Picard Chunk fix. Bang, Bang!!! LOL!!!!
